Hi! The QR Code in the pew has taken you to this page on our website. Here are a few details to help you settle into your seat.
- You are most welcome! Thank you for coming.
- The toilets are through the small doorway to the right at the back of the church: go through the door and turn right again.
- The Vicar's name is David.
- For our 9.45am Sunday service, all the words you will need will be on the screens. For other services, service books will be available. There is no pressure to say or sing words you don't beleive.
- For services that are not 'all age' in style, there are pew-based activities for younger children that can be collected from the back of the church.
- For communion services, if it is your tradition to receive communion you are most welcome to do so. Someone will invite to go to the communion rail at that point of the service. Should you wish to come forward for a prayer of blessing instead, please do. The person leading the service will say a little more at the time.
- Thank you if you have come with a financial gift for the work of this church. Churches are supported by the gifts they receive. Here, you may leave a gift in the bowl on the table as you came down the aisle. There is a card-reader there, too. Details to donate by BACS can be found here. If you are able to gift-aid, that will help us at no further expense to you! A simple short form for this can be found on the welcome table at the back of the church.
- A copy of our weekly newsletter can be found here (or pick up a copy from the welcome table). If you email your details to David (the vicar), he can add you to our weekly email version (djg1966@hotmail.co.uk). You can unsubscribe at any time in the same manner.
- Do stay for refreshments after our 9.45am service - someone will be standing by the table near the main door to serve. Or, if its 'Worship with Coffee and Cake' you have come to, its self-service!
- Feel free to look at the rest of the website and to 'like' our Facebook page.
- Simply, we're so glad you are here - we pray that you will find something of God's peace for you through our worship.
- And, yes, it is an old church, the south wall built around 1070/80!