
Donate by phone image

Details of our bank account if you are either wanting to give a one-off donation or are wanting to set-up a regular staniding order.

Account Name: St Mary’s Church Westham PCC
Sort Code: 40.52.40
Account Number. 00036743

Reference: Your surname and donation (this will help with giftaid)

If possible, please complete a gift-aid form, too (Print off and return to Treasurer): 
Giftaid declaration form

  We have a link to this organisation and in using it, everytime you buy something online, by using the easyfundraising symbol on your browser you can help raise funds.  There are over 6000 retailers who will donate to us when you use the fundraising app, this includes places like Travel Agents, Supermarkets, Staples and loads more.  It costs you nothing but would greatly help our cause here at st Mary’s.  Please think about signing up


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